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Jul 8, 2024

Love on the Scottish Summer Coast by Beatrice Bradshaw Review

* This review is spoiler-free *

4/5 ⭐


 Second chance

Grumpy x sunshine

Forced proximity

Childhood sweethearts

 Slow burn

 Sibling rivalry



Kirsty Munro unexpectedly returns to her Scottish hometown to run her parents' café, only to collide with her first love and heartbreaker, Connor Bannerman. In the scenic Scottish town of Cairnhaven, old sparks reignite amid unresolved tensions. Thrust together, they face a crucial choice: can they forgive and give love a second chance?

LGBTQ+ Representation

4/5 🌈

While the representation in this book was brief, it did feel significant. Kritsy's best friend identifies as bisexual and has dated both men and women. This aspect of her identity is relevant to her character and does help propel the story a bit. Overall this was a nice hint of rep without being too overt but portrayed as completely normal and okay.

My Thoughts

There were a few little nods in this book that made me smile. For example, the characters in the book listened to my favorite Bon Jovi songs. These little touches added a lot to the reading experience to help ground it in the real world and the current zeitgeist. 

For adults coming back together, I would've loved to see more communication from Kristy and Connor. There were more than a few moments I wished they would just be honest about how they were feeling instead of bottling everything up. That said, their banter was absolutely great. Honestly, their best communication is through banter. 

A lot of my negative feelings about this book were because I simply wasn't in the mood for it. If I had been, it would've been a higher rating most likely. The pacing of this book is superrr slow which I just wasn't looking for as I am feeling a bit slumpy lately. The slow burn was slowly burning, that is for sure. 

I felt like this book felt even more Scottish in terms of slang and attitudes than the previous books in this series. The beauty of the coast was very apparent. That said, there was almost too much description of the visuals and facial expressions and whatnot. All of this description minorly bogged down the plot. I found myself skipping through to the dialogue to get through with it if I am being honest. 

I do applaud Bradshaw for writing characters that actually help each other and bring each other to a new form of growth. It was refreshing compared to a number of books I have read lately. There needs to be more books where both of the characters actually help each other grow, not just get together because that is allegedly the thing to do. 

This book is definitely spicy which is the point of the story. If you don't like reading spice, this is not the book for you.

Overall, this book was not the right book for me at the time which definitely impacted my thoughts about it. The pace is slow, there is a lot of description, and the miscommunication was a bit much. If you are up for a slow-paced story, this would be a better fit for you. 

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